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An "UNnconference" or "Open Space" meeting is a participant-driven event. It is often used to describe gatherings that try to avoid hierarchical aspects of a conventional conferences.

At Swinkation, we typically use the term to describe a dedicated time and place where attendees are also the presenters, event hosts, moderators, etc.. For example, attendees can:


  • Teach workshops

  • Provide demonstrations

  • Lead discussions

  • Host lab time sessions

  • Host skill-share sessions

  • Produce a short performance

  • Arrange a social gathering or meet n' greet for people with similar interests, commonalities, etc.

  • Host a game or fun competition


UNconference times and locations will be listed on the schedule at our events, but attendees are not limited to those times; however we ask that attendees not organize UNconference events during scheduled programming such as when other workshops are happening.


Attendees can propose JUNconference events at the time of any of the scheduled unconference spots, or they can announce their event in advance via the group's Discord chat. Announcements can also be made prior to workshops or group events. Good ole' fashioned word of mouth works too. 


The locations of UNconference workshops are not limited to the designated locations on the schedule; however, we cannot "reserve" any particular location at the resort other than what is on the schedule. Therefore, if you select a different location at the resort, it is possible it may already be in use by the resort or another group, so some flexibility is a must!


The Rule of Two Feet


One rule of an unconference is the "Rule of Two Feet" (more currently known as the "Rule of Mobility"). With this rule, it is accepted that attendees are free to join or leave a workshop or event at any time. Rather than being deemed "offensive", the rule furthers the common goal of everyone's needs being met - namely getting the most out of the event and everyone's time.


How to Announce an UNconference Event:


To propose or announce a workshop or event, use the attendee general chat channel in the Discord server.  You can announce your event or propose it to see if anyone is interested in attending or co-presenting, hosting, etc. In general, the following information would be helpful:


  1. Name of the event

  2. Name of instructor/host/leaders

  3. Day and time of the event

  4. Location at the resort (e.g. Beach tent, Gym, Piano Bar, Beach, etc.)

  5. A short description of what will occur 


If you are not on Discord, please feel free to send your announcement info to and we will announce it for you. 


The staff may also include UNconference event announcements in the daily emails that go out first thing every morning during the event.


Please note: Since anyone can organize and teach an UNconference event, Concations does not review unconference presenters or content, and cannot be responsible for content presented or demonstrated during unconference events.  Please do your own homework and research and proceed with appropriate caution.

What is an "UNConference?"


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​Instagram:  @ConCations​​

Twitter/X: ConCations_Kink

Discord (chat): concations_98808

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Call, Text, or WhatsApp:  571-969-2463

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